Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010


There are also photos from actual halloween weekend when we carved pumpkins and went trick or treating on Sunday night!  It was fun and I hear the kids had a blast. I was Princess Leia and handed out candy.  But the Collins and the kids had a great time on Grove Street!

The party pics!
We had a great halloween party if I do say so myself.  We had spooky food and a haunted house in the basement.  The kids had so much fun running around, and the rain held out until five minutes after the last person left, so they were able to play outside too!  Enjoy!

Thanks everyone for bringing food and your kids!  We had so much fun!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

York Beach Maine Vacation

We had a great family vacation last week in York Beach again.  It was so much fun!  Check out our pics on flickr!  

These were just too cute not to pose on the blog though!  Do they love each other or what?

Why not to eat candy!

There's a good reason to brush your teeth every night, or just don't eat sweets!  Even Rowan things so.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Try this on For SIZE~ remember when

So I was going through photos today, clearing out my hard-drive.  Check out these pics of Clayton: can you believe he ever was this little?  I could just eat him up!  I can't believe how big he's getting.  I think that he's about the same age as Rowan here.  Actually he's 2 months younger than Rowan here.
WOW!  So funny!

Amazing right?  So cute; just so cute!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Clayton had the Bentley girls over for a sleepover and they did great.  Too late for bed, too early to rise, so it will be a long day,  but the cutest thing: Peyton was nervous about not being with her mom, and then she decided she could tough it out.  She must have told clayton she was nervous, or he just knew it: or they love each other, because when I checked in on them, they were sound asleep and holding hands.  TOOOOO cute! 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

WOW! Been awhile

WEll it's not because I haven't been busy.  It's been a hard couple of months in the Lehmann household as far as busy stuff is concerned.  Adding Grad SChool to my bucket of things I'm doing on a regular basis has created no free time!  NO FREE TIME!  Though I've been taking photos, not as many, I just don't have the time to post.  We lost three close family members since January (Aunt Barbara, Nanny, and Aunt Ellie) and MY MOM TURNED 60!  Is that possible?  Well, 60 is fabulous, at least as far as my mom is concerned.  (Though I don't know if she feels that way)  My mom is amazing, and the fact that she still has the energy to chase my TWO CRAZY kids around is a testament to that.  Adam's mom turned 60 as well.  CAN YOU BELIEVE it?  Do these two women look 60?  I DON'T think so.  We still have to celebrate all the birthdays.  A big year for the 1950ers. Mike and Jim still have to turn the big 6-0 but we have a little bit of time before that happens.

I also went to Nicaragua, and if you haven't checked out my newest blog Devouring Nutella, it's inspiration from that trip. (www.devouringnutella.blogspot.com)  It has some photos on it.  Well, I'm finally done with this term of classes, and I don't have anything until the summer.  WHEW!    back to the real life.

Clayton is swimming at Koinonia now, we gave up gymnastics for hte time being.  Oh yeah, he turned FOUR!  CAn you believe it?  I can't.  He's a handful, but so imaginative.  He reminds me so much of my cousin TAylor from Florida.  Always telling the craziest stories.  I remember when Taylor was little he thought he was batman, just like Clayton does, and would swing a bat around and around yelling, batman, batman, batman.  Taylor is in highschool now, not sure how that happened either.  Apparently a handsome  young man, but I wouldn't know.  I haven't seen him in awhile, although he saw us in January.  The saddest story really: Taylor was checking us out at the grocery store (not hey they're hot, check them out, but he's a cashier) when we were there for Aunt Barbs funeral.  (can you believe she's really gone?  YIKES!)  We were buying a bunch of "apparently organic food" and the bag boy remarked: "they must be from VERMONT with all that healthy food".  Taylor commented: "No they're from Connecticut, they're my cousins".  Neither of us, Kelley or I, looked at him to even recognize him, we were in our own world.  I AM so mad at myself.  Ryan noticed his name was Taylor, but didn't know what TAylor looked like, so he didn't know either.  I"M so mad at myself!  (Have I said that already).  So I promised him a trip for pizza the next time we're down there.  Gosh I miss those kids!  Savannah is just the cutest thing in the world.

Anyways, life has been busy, to say the least.  Things are really good, but busy.  So I'm finally putting together the LIFE OF FOUR, the FOURTH YEAR book for family photos.  I came across these, dont' think I've put them up yet, but I had to.  Nanny, we miss ya!  It all happened too fast.  Rowan, those curls are all over the place now, not sure how it happened, but you're a little girl now.  Pushy and sweet, like a good little girl should be.  Enjoy!  I'll try to be better about posting.