Friday, October 30, 2009


Well, with gradschool starting, parents weekend, classes, business and raising two kids there wasn't much time to put together my own costume for the halloween party at school. So I went online and found this great site on homemade costumes for women. So I figured E-Mail was the easiest. I put on Adams clothes and goop in my hair, makeup on the face made the "male" complete, I just needed the E. Clayton didn't know who I was, and neither did a lot of people at school. So I guess it was successful!
Here I am: what do you think?

Rowan and Isaac!

Rowan and Keely!

So: good email or bad email.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

More Photos of Miss Teagan

Here are some more photos of Teagan Peabody! They were so cute I couldn't resist showing them. What a sweetie right? Love you Peabody's! Hope to see you soon!

Safety Never Rests!

Here are some more photos of Teagan Peabody! They were so cute I couldn't resist showing them. What a sweetie right? Love you Peabody's! Hope to see you soon!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another kid who loves their animals!

I walked by Rowans room one morning and there she was staring at her lion just head over heels in love. Who knew my kids would love stuffed animals so much. So I couldn't resist taking the photos. I know it looks like a repeat, but they just love their animals. I substituted the lion for the giraffe and it didn't make as much of an impact as Claytons, but that lion is just her best friend in the whole world.


Well back in August we went to visit Mark and Margaux and Teagan. She's so big now. A whole year old! She's walking all over the place and has quite the little personality. We are so fortunate to have been able to visit. We had such a great time. The kids played so well together! It was so much fun, sorry it took so long to post them!

Miss Teagan!

Cranky Rowan!

Dreaming of the water!

Best friends!

Our evening walk to see the goats!

No one wanted to go to bed. So it was a late night!

More kisses for Auntie Margs!

Rowan is eight Months! Well she was 8 months!

So here are the eight month photos: getting them out of the way too!
She's changed so much it's hard to believe! I know I posted a few before as well, but some of these are just too cute. Especially princess Leia fighting Darth Vader.