Our daddy is in Scotland (Wales) for 10 days so we decided to get out of Dodge and go and visit some family. We don't get to Rochester enough, and this was Rowans first trip. I was a little nervous to do the long trek alone, especially at the rest stops, but my prayers (and probably my parents prayers) were answered. The kids were great, the rest stops were easy and we made it there in six.5 hours. Great right? While I exported the photos incorrectly from my photo program making them a little grainy, I think you can see them fine. If it didn't take so long to post images on blogspot then I would redo it, but I didn't realize it until I was 50 photos in. Yes, there are a lot of photos to go through. So while daddy is a "blogger" over in Scotland right now, and uploading all his photos to Facebook, we figured we'd come back at him and show him what we're doing too. He's not the only cool one. Come home soon daddy! We can't wait to see you, and mommy is going a little crazy!. Thanks to Grammy Janes who came back to CT with us on Saturday for the weekend. Only 2 more days until daddy comes home! And a very special thanks to Papa Mike and Gramma Donna who hosted us for 5 days. Hope we didn't drive you too crazy! Enjoy the pics from Rochester. We love our family!

Rowan and Papa Mike

The pool was 82 degrees, nothing wrong with that!

We arrived just before sunset and there's nothing better than a warm pool at sunset!

Rowan is my water girl, Clay could care less, but Rowan just loves it!

That doesn't mean Clayton doesn't have a blast!

We ordered his new Transformer costume and it arrived in Rochester!

We went to the Seneca Zoo, but it was too hot for hte animals, 94 degrees! So we had to see the fake animals instead. Gramma Donna you have to hug this polar bear with me!

My first ear of corn (with the kernels on)

We went on the rides at Darien Lake. I loved the monster trucks!

Cousins! or as Clay now calls him "My very best friend Justin"

The pirate ride!

The boys took me on the teacups!

Justin just loved Rowan. They talked for forever!

Check out the curls on Noah!

The arcade at Darien Lake, we couldn't get out of there! The kids loved it!

The water park at Darien Lake was great, the water was cold but the sun was hot! The kids started to melt down but we got through it

Finally a boy to play star wars with! This one was a close call!

Rowans new bow! Well I bought it forever ago, but it finally will fit in her hair! It's growing so fast!

The carousel at The Rochester Museum of Play! What fun.

Grammy Janes and Clayton are on TV with Zoe, (see her behind them?)

The new exhibit at the museum was on arcade games. Clayton had a blast, and Grammy Janes treated him with several tokens to play many many games!

Rowan is moving all over the place now.

He went shopping at the pretend Wegmans and all he wanted was 2 apples. "One for Grammy Janes and one for me" Mommy didn't get one. When he went inside he went straight over with his carriage and grabbed the apples and went straight over to the check out.

"Price check"

Papa Bear was there! Clayton was so excited!

The cute little carriage that they have for kids: she loved the freedom it gave!

playing wtih the puppets!

One more trip around the carousel!

Rowan went this time!

Fun right?

Grammy Janes thinks so!

Home for dinner and Grandpa Roger was there! He was so excited to see the kids. Rowan just loved her Grandpa!

She got her exercise in too!

Back to the pool!

Justin was there to swim too!

Papa Mike and Gramma Donna had so much fun swimming with Clay and Rowan

We had only one thunderstorm followed by a bit of rain in Rochester. Has to be a record. :)

My football player. Is that a boy or a girl?

We got to visit with Normie and Gretchen too! It was so good to see them! They loved Rowan and she loved them. All smiles!

Rowan and Normie

Grammy Jane found the bit trucks at the Greece Library and we got to go and climb all over them!

It was so much fun, there weren't a lot of kids cause we got there close to closing adn it was perfect!

The firemen taught us how to stop drop and roll. Test the door and escape if there's smoke!

Julie and Ellie came over for dinner, the kids weren't great, but they got to see each other!

Grammy Janes, Auntie Julie and Rowan! The Beckley girls!

Papa Mike put on his silly hat. Boy does Papa look young here huh?
All in all we had a great trip. The ride was long but worth every minute. We hit some storms on the way back and it slowed us down a little, the kids were exhausted from a long vacation, but not exhausted enough, they hardly napped at all. Now we just need our daddy back from Scotland then we're off for Uncle Z's wedding. Just the adults..... not the kids. :)
What fun! Thanks for including me on your list and letting me know about the updates.
Judy James