We actually made it on a family vacation this summer. The last weekend in June, our sixth anniversary, we made it to Maine. We went up on Wednesday and then the Shattucks joined us for the weekend. It was a great time. The kids all played well together. We had a few days of sunshine, followed by a Sunday full of rain, sorry Shattucks, but we had a good time in the rain too!
Michelle watched Rowan while I took the big kids to the beach! She even got to feed her. What a sport!
Jakey is getting so big! Who would have known he would have grown so fast!
Clayton was miserable as usual: always has something to whine about!
We looked for rocks and crabs! Lots of rocks, didn't find any crabs (but the kid in the red sweater!)
Ivy read the boys books!
The sunny weather was great! It only came out for a few moments, but we waited until there was NO MORE BEACH before we went in. We had too much fun!
Rowan was ready for a nap! She loved cozying up to her daddy!
Mr Strong man.
Building sand castles until there was no more room!
Rowan just hung out, she's working on that sitting up thing.
Playing together, building a sand castle!
She loved the cold water: mommy didn't!
What fun!
not so sure!
Bringing in the sand and water!
just chillin'
Howdy Partner!
Finally a nap after a long day of playing!
Looking for ladies!
Found one!
Having fun together in the morning!
my son!
Another year, another pipe-dream fulfilled.
We joked that when Clay goes on his honeymoon one day he is going to send us a video or a photo of him standing on the beach naked at sunset to add to the collection. How funny would that be right?
The York Magic Kingdom. The only sunny day we had, but there was no beach. High Tide. Doesn't it figure. So we had a blast at the zoo instead.
Rowie just chilled the whole day!
Clayton was a pirate and we had a great time on the paddle boat. HE either paddled or steered.
Rowan went along for the ride as well!
Clayton went on his first rides alone as a big boy and didn't cry. He rode this one 5 times in a row!
Finally! Thanks to Disney world I think! Now if we can just work on those little mechanical cars, and golf carts maybe we can stop with the temper tantrums.