It's been almost a month since the last b log. Can you say "long month"? This teaching, running a business and raising two children thing is not EASY! Not that anyone said it would be, but you all know me. I think I can do it all. It will be a great relief to have a lot less responsibility in a week from tuesday! WHOO HOO!
So Rowan had her baptism on Sunday of last week. It was memorial day sunday. A great day, the rain held off and we had a lovely picnic thanks to my moms beautiful back yard. My sister, mom and I did the food: dad cooked the burgers. We had lots of left overs from Peytons party on SAturday. Another beautiful day! It was obvious who had been at that party because everyone who was there had a sunburn.
Since then the whole family has been sick. Adam threw up 13 times Sunday evening. Clayton started retching at 2 on Tuesday, I started at 830 and Rowan had diarrhea all day wed and thurs. Lovely right? So our long week was even longer by our illnesses.
Thank goodness Mike and Donna were here to help out. My mom, sister, Taylor and Caron were sick too so something was going around, but we all got it at different times, so it wasn't the food. THANK GOD!
The photos from Rowans baptism are here, her six month photos are another post: I took them today!