kissable lips!

such humor!

her head is so strong now!

she just loves to cuddle! Who wouldn't want to cuddle with that face?

sitting up pretty well: with assistance of course!

loving her daddy!

that's a daddy's girl through and through!

um can anyone say red hair? How does that happen?

long eyelashes like her brother!
lucky girl!
lucky girl!

so cute!
Rowan has made it to five months. She's a cereal eating, all night sleeping, bottle drinking, almost rolling over fool! The warm weather finally arrived yesterday. We'll see if it brings any of her hair in now. Every day she seems to be getting more. Let's see if she grows like a weed this summer. When we took her photos today she comically started boogieing around on the backdrop like a little fool! It was sooo funny. She's got moves. So when she starts to dance, the world better watch out. She's got quite the sense of humor, but really,she's going to be persnickity we think. Not laid back like Clayton was as a child. Welcome to girlhood- right? It's going to be fun, an adventure, just like it was with Clayton. She only likes to be held, he doesn't like me to go to work. Work is all I seem to do lately: hence the lack of posts. Both kids are sreaming so here are the pics, enjoy! and welcome in the 80s! (weather that is!)