Friday, February 27, 2009

Craft Day

Today I finally got to do some of my new Sukie iron-ons.
I tried it first with some of Rowan's onesies.
They look great! It's a great counter balance to all those girlie
girlie clothes she got: mommy has no pink or frill in her closet.
Though she looks so great in it with her pink skin tone.

They're great, and not your standard iron ons. Not only do
they look different, they're ink, so there's no edge to them.
You can even do the same one twice: it's not as dark but still very

I love them! Sukies unite! I would recommend these
to anyone looking for the non-traditional outfit for a kid!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rowan is three months!

Yesterday, 2/22, Rowan turned three months! We can't believe how fast it has gone by.  She still looks like her daddy and grammy Jane, and she still a great sleeper like her mommy and daddy!  She's been sleeping through the night for two weeks now, 9-8 so we can't complain about that.  Weighing in at 15.5 lbs she's a beast of a lady! Her brother continues to love her and is so happy when "she's happy!"  We're doing well and into busy season for Adam so let's hope those positive statistics continue!  Enjoy the three month pics!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ping Pong Tourney!

For Ryans birthday the Wades invited us to their annual Ping Pong Tournament.  The kids had a blast and Adam made it to the finals!

Ready for Florida

My new summer sunhat came in: now I'm ready for sunny Florida!  But is Florida ready for me?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Well, it's Valentines Day! Happy Birthday to Meima and new Baby Xavier LaFleur! (Born today!) Here's a special Happy Valentines day to our friends and family from the kids!

Hide and Seek

Since I've been home it's been fun playing games and doing things with Clayton now that he's bigger.  He's really enjoying hide and seek, which he started on his own one day.  This house being so big it has a lot of hiding spaces we adults haven't found before.  He scared Mimi by going up to the third floor and being very quiet behind mommy's backdrops!  URGH!  Today he decided to hide in his laundry bag.  PB should tell everyone just how big the large bag is: a medium would have sufficed: but it wouldn't have been as good of a hiding space!  Even mommy could get inside!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Just Starting Out

Well it seems as though my photo website might be a thing of the past. Don't get me wrong, photos are the way to go: for me at least. But I think it might be easier to do this via blogging- So hopefully we can keep you informed of what's going on in the Lehmann household, both with us and with the kids. Hopefully it will be easier for you to find our photos now too. Titi helped me via our regular video chats! Clay and Rowan will be so tech saavy with all the video chatting we do! So the blog will get fancier as we go.